Class OINODbMemoryDataSet

Generic in memory implementation of a data set where data is an array of rows. Used by BunSqlite and automated testing. Can be rewinded.

Hierarchy (view full)


  • Constructor of OINODbMemoryDataSet.


    • data: unknown

      data as OINODataRow[] (constructor will throw if invalid)

    • errors: string[] = []

      error messages from SQL-query

    Returns OINODbMemoryDataSet


messages: string[]

Error messages


  • Rewinds data set to the first row, returns !isEof().

    Returns boolean

  • Checks if the messages contain errors.

    Returns string

  • Checks if the messages contain errors.

    Returns boolean

  • Is data set empty.

    Returns boolean

  • Is there no more content, i.e. either dataset is empty or we have moved beyond last line

    Returns boolean

  • Moves dataset to the next row, returns !isEof().

    Returns boolean