Class OINODbDataField

Base class for a column of data responsible for appropriatelly serializing/deserializing the data.

Hierarchy (view full)


  • Constructor for a data field


    • db: OINODb

      OINODb reference

    • name: string

      name of the field

    • type: string

      internal type of the field

    • sqlType: string

      column type in database

    • fieldParams: OINODbDataFieldParams

      parameters of the field

    • maxLength: number = 0

      maximum length of the field (or 0)

    Returns OINODbDataField


db: OINODb

OINODB reference

Parameters for the field

maxLength: number

Maximum length of the field (or 0)

name: string

Name of the field

sqlType: string

SQL type of the field

type: string

Internal type of field


  • Parce cell value from string using field type specific formatting rules.


    • value: string

      string value

    Returns OINODataCell

  • Print data cell (from deserialization) as SQL-string.


    Returns string

  • Pring debug information for the field


    • length: number = 0

      length of the debug output (or 0 for as long as needed)

    Returns string

  • Print name of column as SQL.

    Returns string

  • Serialize cell value in the given content format.


    Returns string